公司拥有专业的管理 / 技术人员,规模的生产车间,我们的产品不断的创新,成功的推出了脉冲式热压机、恒温式热压机、COG邦定机、 ACF 贴附机、大尺寸TFT恒温/脉冲热压机、等离子热压机、塑料热熔/热压机、 OCA真空贴合机、偏光片贴附机、UV水胶贴合机、PET/OCA贴合机以及各种非标准自动化设备。广泛应用于液晶屏及触摸屏行业中的热压邦定及贴附等后段制程。
We have the professional management and technical personnel, and regular workshop. With the innovations of our products, we successfully supply many machines such as PDP bonding machines, COG manual bonding machines, ACF tacking machines, hot melt machines, TFT heat bonding machines and so on, used in different fields.
Our idea is honesty, high efficiency, factualism and innovation. Our purpose is of providing professional quality and first-class service to our customers. We continue to regard market tendency as our directions and provide many kinds of hot-pressing equipments and mating methods, so as to decrease your cost and increase your productivity, what we always want to do!
1. LCD液晶显示模组后段制程设备
2. TP触摸屏后段制程生产设备
3. 大尺寸液晶/等离子屏返修设备
4. 焊锡脉冲热压(Hot-Bar)设备
5. 塑胶热熔螺母植入设备
6. 按客需求设计自动化非标设备及相应的配套设备及夹具